Tao Zhu Gong Awards

WINNER Top Local or Global Banking Solution SITC International Holdings Co.Ltd. Judges’ Comments The company has relied on its stable company structure, integrated domestic and overseas businesses to offer targeted services to support Chinese companies going global. Company Profile SITC International Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SITC), is a leading shipping and logistics company in Asia. Its major business covers container liner shipping, ship management, ship brokering, international freight forwarding, LCL, project logistics, distribution and delivery, customs clearance, warehousing, container depot, port operation, shipping agency, bulk cargo, airlift, etc. Goal With multiple branches and agencies in China and the Asia-Pacific region, SITC hopes to enhance its capital efficiency through faster capital turnover and centralized capital management. To that end, SITC undertook an all-dimensional and multi-faceted partnership with Citi, its major partner for both its domestic and international business. Solution First, in 2O16 and in cooperation with Citi, SITC was among the 1O enterprises authorized by SAFE Shanghai Branch to participate in the development of the cross-border USD cash pool pilot project. The cash pool included the 1O enterprises’ loan and debt. A two-way, cross-border dollar capital transfer was achieved between SITC and its Hong Kong headquarters. Within its quota, SITC could transfer its offshore funds to its domestic account to support the trade payments of its domestic branches. SITC has applied different approaches to different markets in order to integrate cash management in the Asia-Pacific region. In countries without foreign exchange controls, the cash pool income from overseas port agents is divided into the Group’s capital pools. “Before centralization, fund collection was slow and our foreign exchange exposure was not managed properly. After implementation, our funds and exposure are well protected”, said Zhiyun Guo, General Manager of the Finance Center, SITC. In markets where there is strict control of foreign exchange, Citi offers their clients solutions to increase their capital gains and interest. SITC and Citi have cooperated and made breakthroughs to improve existing and create new types of payments. For instance, SITC’s subsidiaries in Vietnam previously handled large amounts of receipts and payments in cash or cheque. This practice was inefficient and exposed to security risks. SITC and Citi found a solution by offering cash counter services. Through its local partner bank, Citi set up cash counters offering all-dimensional services in the office of SITC’s international subsidiary. With these services, daily cash is transfered to Citi’s pooled account which is then concentrated in the Group’s main pool. “Due to the characteristics of the shipping and logistics industry and local payment habits, SITC handles large amounts of cash in certain areas, which has a large impact in our settlement efficiency and risk control. In the past, our clients would pay with large sums of cash and our employees would then have to take that cash to the bank for deposit. This practice was inefficient and highly risky. Today, the customer can settle directly at the bank counter with the bills and receipts issued by us” said Zhiyun Guo. The foreign exchange solution that Citi offered has made the company’s cash position more transparent and the use of capital more effective, thus successfully controlling capital risks. Citi’s unique paperless payment platform plays an important role in helping SITC integrate their domestic and overseas businesses. SITC’s branches and agencies in mainland China need to transfer their cash to the cash pool in Hong Kong in accordance with the contract. Zhiyun Guo said, “Now, a cross-border transfer can be achieved by simply uploading supporting documents to Citi’s online platform. This greatly facilitates the company’s operation by reducing the risks and improving settlement efficiency.” In order to achieve greater efficiency 获奖企业 最佳全球和/或本地银行解决方 案奖 海丰国际控股有限公司 评委点评 依托稳健架构,贯通境内境外,服务 精准到位,为中国企业国际化发展保 驾护航 企业简介 海丰国际控股有限公司(以下简称“海 丰国际”)是在亚洲领先的航运物流企 业,业务领域涉及集装箱班轮运输、船 舶管理、船舶经纪、国际货运代理、拼 箱、项目物流、物流配送、报关、仓 储、集装箱堆场、码头、船代、散杂 货、空运等领域。 目标 海丰国际在中国境内和亚太地区有多家 分公司和代理公司,企业希望能加快现 金流周转、实现资金集中管理,以便有 效提高资金效益。为实现这个目标,海 丰国际与其在境内外的主要合作银行花 旗展开了全方位、多层次的合作。 解决方案 首先,2O16 年海丰集团作为少数 1O 家企业之一获得上海外管局的批准,同 花旗合作,参与并实施跨境美元资金池 的试点项目。该资金池的搭建,集中了 境内参与企业的外债和对外放款额度, 实现了与香港集团公司间的跨境双向美 元资金划扫,境外资金可以在额度内 自由调拨至境内,支持境内分公司的贸 易支付。 针对亚太区多个市场现金集中管理的问 题,海丰国际在不同市场采取了不同的 策略。在无外汇管制的国家,实现海 外多个港口代理现金收入上划集团资 金池。海丰国际资金部总经理郭芝蕴 说:“原来不集中的时候,资金归集较 慢,并且外汇敞口无法及时处理。集中 之后,资金安全和外汇敞口有了很好的 保障。” 在一些存在外汇管制的市场,花旗为企 业提供了资金收益的利息优化方案,提 高企业的资金回报率。而针对一些市 场付款方式的问题,海丰国际与花旗合 作,做了一些突破性的尝试。例如, 在越南,海丰国际的子公司每日有大 量现金与支票的收付款,不仅操作效 率低下,资金安全也很难保证。针对该 问题,双方突破性地开展现金柜台服务 方案。通过花旗在当地的合作银行在海 丰国际子公司的办公室里设立现金柜台 服务,提供全方位的服务。每日日终现 金划转至花旗银行的归集帐户,继而进 一步集中到集团资金池。郭芝蕴说:“ 由于航运物流业的行业特性以及当地的 支付习惯,海丰在一些地区每天还要处 理相当规模的现金收入,这对我们的结 算效率和风险控制都有很大的影响。以 前,客户日常结算要抱着大把现金到公 司付款,公司收到现金又要跑去银行存 起来,低效、风险大。如今,客户来付 款,拿着我们开的单据就到银行柜台直 接付款。”花旗帮助海丰实施的收款解 决方案增加了企业整体的现金头寸透明 度 优化了企业内部资金使用,进一步 提高了资金效益,有效管控资金风险。 而在打通企业境内外业务方面,花旗独 特的无纸化支付平台也发挥了重要作 用。海丰国际在内地的十几间代理,分 支机构,也要将现金按照合同汇到香港 的资金账户。郭芝蕴说:“花旗的电 子平台允许企业在网上上传贸易支持文 件即可完成跨境付款,极大地方便了企 业的操作,降低了风险,提高了结算 效率。” 为了进一步提高资金收付款效率,海丰 国际还与花旗在亚太多个国家实现了 银企直连,实现自动对账,降低操作 成本。 突破与创新 海丰国际与花旗在资金集中方面的合 作,充分利用了政策,针对企业的业务 特点和需求,发挥了银行自身在技术和 当地市场的优势,突破性地为企业提供 了精准的解决方案,是全球/本地银行 解决方案的一个范例,很有推广价值。 企业获益 • 实现资金的集中管理,集团对各市场做到可视、可控; • 通过集中,缩小外汇敞口,降低资金操作风险; • 企业集中外汇交易,享受了优惠的买卖价格; • 大幅节省了人力,提高了集团整体资金运作的效率。 BENEFITS FOR THE COMPANY • Headquarters can better control their business in different markets through cash concentration. • Through cash concentration, foreign exchange exposure and capital operation risks have been reduced. • By concentrating foreign exchange transactions, the company benefits from more favorable buying and selling prices • SITC has successfully reduced its cost in human resources and improved its capital operation efficiency. in payments and receivables, SITC and Citi have set up an ERP system accross Asia-Pacific countries, which has enabled automatic reconciliation and reduced operating costs. Breakthrough and innovation The partnership between Citi and SITC for cash concentration fully used preferential policies and taken the requirements of both the business and their clients into consideration. It gives play to Citi’s advantages in technology and local markets and offers brand-new targeted solutions. The cooperation serves as a role model for banks providing solutions to companies to support their domestic and international business. Zhiyun Guo General Manager of Finance Center, SITC 海丰国际资金部总经理郭芝蕴