Tao Zhu Gong Awards

尊敬的读者: 我在此谨代表花旗银行(中国)有限 公司.(以下简称“花旗中国”)财资 与贸易金融部的同仁,向您隆重介绍 这本《第六届“陶朱奖”获奖企业案 例选编》。 “陶朱奖”由全球财资管理权威机构 欧洲金融主办,旨在表彰在中国内地 营运的企业在司库和财资管理领域的 最佳实践与最优创新,因其专业、公 平、公开的审核及严格的评选机制, 在业内享有盛名。从“陶朱奖”创立 伊始,花旗中国便积极参与推荐企业 客户参评其中各奖项。很荣幸,每一 年,我们都有客户蟾宫折桂,在单个 奖项中胜出,更有众多客户获得不同 奖项的重点推荐,得到评委的肯定。 今年,我们决定将荣膺2018年 度“陶朱奖”的(部分)优秀案例整 理成册,以示我们对获奖客户由衷的 祝贺和感谢。 在这本小册子中,您能看到花旗中国 如何帮助中国企业在国际化进程中解 决财务管理难题的例子。比如,海丰 国际控股有限公司打通境内外架构、 实现外汇的集中管理,特别是在东南 亚国家针对不同客户支付习惯而进行 的突破;浙江蚂蚁小微金融服务集团 股份有限公司结合跨境本地资金池, 实现对不同币种不同实体的资金管 控;春秋航空股份有限公司实现亚太 区资金集中统一管理、区域性银企直 联。另外,您也能找到花旗中国通过 创新帮助客户打破一些常规业务瓶颈 的例子。比如,与浙江苏泊尔股份有 限公司合作,共同开发电子承兑汇票 的银企直连平台;结合日常交易流, 补充中国南方航空公司流动资金的贸 易融资方案。最令人兴奋的,是江苏 艾兰得营养品有限公司通过开设自由 贸易非居民账户,开展国际财资管理 中心功能的案例。 这些杰出的案例横跨不同行业,涵 盖“陶朱奖”数个奖项,其中包括: 最佳全球和/或本地银行解决方案 奖、最佳现金管理奖、最佳营运资金 管理奖、财资管理实践创新奖、最佳 技术应用奖、最佳融资解决方案奖。 花旗中国团队能参与并协助客户实施 这些灵活多样的财资解决方案,我们 深表荣幸。 今后,花旗中国财资与贸易金融部将 一如既往地为您和您的企业提供最优 质的服务。 再次感谢并祝贺获得第六届“陶朱 奖”的企业客户! 裴奕根 花旗银行(中国)有限公司 副行长兼财资与贸易金融部中国区总 经理 Dear clients, On behalf of the team at Treasury and Trade Solutions at Citi, I would like to present the following winning client case studies from the Tao Zhu Gong 2O18 Awards. The Tao Zhu Gong Awards, run by EuroFinance are designed to recognize true excellence and innovation in treasury and finance of companies operating in mainland China. The Awards are highly prestigious due to their professional, fair, open and strict evaluation and judging process. As such, we are honored that some of our clients have been recognized as winners or highly commended in one or more categories at the Awards. By reading this casebook, you will better understand how Citi partners with our clients to navigate financial management challenges as and when they go global. For instance, with our assistance, SITC International Holdings harmonized its domestic and foreign management framework so as to develop an integrated foreign exchange management mechanism and provided customized services to Southeast Asian countries according to different types of payment used in these countries; Ant Financial achieved capital management of different currencies and entities by integrating its cross-border and domestic cash pools; and Spring Airlines established centralized capital management and set up a bank- corporate direct connection system in the Asia-Pacific region. In the casebook, you can also find cases where Citi helped our clients to make breakthroughs in their business. We worked with Zhejiang Supor to develop a bank-corporate direct connection platform for electronic acceptance bills. In addition, we also supported China Southern Airlines to develop its trade financing solutions to achieve higher working capital. The most impressive case was our partnership with Aland to set up non-resident free trade accounts, thus making it an international treasury management center. We are honored to have been able to deliver bespoke treasury management solutions to our clients across the different sectors and award categories such as Top Local or Global Banking Solution, Best Cash Management, Best Working Capital Management, Most Innovative Treasury Solutions, Most Effective Use of IT and Top Funding Solution. I would like to again extend my gratitude and congratulations to the winners of the Tao Zhu Gong 2O18 Awards. Yigen Pei China Country Head, Treasury and Trade Solutions, Citibank (China) Co., Ltd