To close an Account, simply contact your Account Manager or Documentation Specialist to discuss requirements and receive an Account Closure Checklist/Request form:
- Fill in all relevant fields on the Account Closure Form
- Transfer funds via CitiDirect to zero the account balance
- Citi will refer to the empowering documents (Board Resolution/Trade Register or equivalent) to verify the authority of authorized signatories on the Account closure form. The signatories need to have explicit powers to close accounts. (Citi does not rely on the signature card or GMTA.)
- In case you instruct Citi to bring the account balance to zero, you must complete Section 2 of the Account Closure Form. Please ensure that Citi holds the most recent and valid Global Manual Transaction Authorization Form (GMTA) with valid call back nominees and contact numbers
- Your Documentation Specialist will provide you with the address where the Account Closure Form should be sent
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