01 of October

Sławomir S. Sikora’s feature in "Bloomberg Businessweek Polska"

Career, Citi Service Center, Citi Handlowy

This week, "Bloomberg Businessweek Polska” published a feature article by Sławomir S. Sikora, CEO of Citi Handlowy.

In his article, Sławomir S. Sikora discusses dominant trends determining the success of a business and a country. These are: globalization and digitization. The article also talks about the assumptions of the Emerging Market Champions program, as a part of which the Bank supports foreign investments in Poland and helps Polish companies to expand internationally.

In 1990’s, exports accounted for nearly 20 per cent of global GDP. Currently, this ratio stands at 25 per cent globally and at 40 per cent in Poland. Twenty-five years ago, we took on a radical challenge in Poland to build a completely new reality: social, cultural, political and – most importantly from my point of view – economic reality. For the past decade, we have focused mainly on ourselves, on Poland, successfully changing our country in many areas. Today, globalization requires that we should shift the focus and set ourselves new goals, so that the next decade is marked by Poland’s global presence. Our companies have successfully learnt how to compete on the domestic and European market. It is time for the entire Polish economy to rise to the challenge. I would like Poland to become, over the coming years, a place which springs to mind of anyone who ever thinks – anywhere in the world – about developing their business potential, reads the article by Mr Sikora. 

You can read the whole article HERE.
